Weight Loss:

Dr. Shweta Agarwal believes in the philosophy that healthy body and healthy mind is the essence of healthy life. As a Board certified Obesity Medicine and expert Anti-Aging physician she utilizes all available non-surgical measures in your journey of healthy YOU! Whether this is your first attempt or you had multiple prior experiences with weight loss and weight gain, we at ā La Mode Luxury Aesthetics understand that weight management can be a very challenging process. 

If you’re looking for today’s most effective weight loss programs or have tried other weight loss supplements without success, our Physician-led expert team is proud to serve from weight loss counseling to natural, medical-grade supplements and injection therapy, you can trust that the experienced medical staff will find the solution that best fits your individual goals and needs.

If you’re looking to lose weight without making massive changes to your diet, WE NOW OFFER THE BREAKTHROUGH medications like SEMAGLUTIDE and TIRZEPATIDE!!!!!
Additionally we offer Vitamin B12 injections and BPC 157 and other peptide supplements.
Our friendly doctor and staff treat you like family and are dedicated to helping you look and feel your absolute best.

Call today to schedule a consultation

Benefits of Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

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Lowering A1C levels

Studies have shown that the decrease in A1C levels can delay the progression of diabetes, as well as reduce the risk of complications, such as nerve damage and cardiovascular disease.

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Increase in Leptin levels

An increase in leptin levels has been found to suppress appetite, allowing you to maintain a healthy weight. Increasing your leptin levels can also boost your immune system and strengthens bones.

Lowers blood sugar

Lowering blood sugar has many health benefits, including weight loss, reduced blood pressure, and reduced cholesterol levels. Lowering blood sugar has also been seen to reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and heart-related death.

Lowering A1C Weight loss

Significant weight loss in combination with lower A1C levels, increased leptin levels, and lower blood sugar are direct benefits from the use of Semaglutide.


Semaglutide is an innovative new drug that is taking the weight loss market by storm. This medication works through multiple mechanisms in your body to control appetite, reduce daily caloric consumption and increase weight reduction dramatically.It belongs to a class of drugs called glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists. These medications work by mimicking the actions of the GLP-1 hormone that is released in the gastrointestinal tract in response to eating. The FDA has approved Semaglutide for weight management medication and is currently sold under the brand name Wegovy .Additionally it has FDA approval for treatment of type 2 diabetes under brand names Ozempic and Rybelsus.

Semaglutide has gained popularity owing to its efficiency in reducing weight and controlling obesity. Research shows that Semiglutide can help achieve 9.6 % to 17.4% total body weight reduction within 68 weeks of medication.Coupled with a low-calorie diet and physical activity, Semaglutide medication can help patients lose significant weight after six months.

When coupled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, Semaglutide can help you with your weight reduction efforts. A healthcare professional determines the dosage for specific individuals to achieve a balance between clinically significant weight loss while minimizing the side effects.

Benefits of Semaglutide for Weight loss :

Anti-obesity medication Semaglutide subcutaneous injection has been proven to help patients lose weight by targeting multiple areas. One of the core benefits of Semaglutide for weight loss is its ability to suppress your appetite and sustain feelings of fullness. By imitating the actions of the GLP-1 hormone, Semaglutide targets the brain cells that regulate appetite, helping reduce feelings of hunger and craving. It also increases leptin levels which suppress appetite. Increasing leptin levels can also boost your immune system and strengthen bones.
Semaglutide also slows down the process through which food leaves your stomach, creating a feeling of fullness for a longer time. The feeling of satiety reduces your overall caloric intake, leading to considerable weight loss over time.

Semaglutide has also been proven to improve insulin sensitivity, which benefits individuals with Type-2 Diabetes and other weight-related health complications. By enhancing the body’s response to insulin, Semaglutide helps control blood sugar levels and promotes better glucose management.

Weight loss can profoundly impact overall health, reducing the risk of obesity and associated conditions like hypertension and diabetes.

It’s important to note that Semaglutide should always be used with a prescription under the guidance of a healthcare expert and in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise routine.


Tirzepatide is another extremely effective medication that helps people with weight loss. It is glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist indicated as an adjunct to diet and exercise to improve glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and for weight management. While many people currently grapple with the pros and cons of using Tirzepatide for weight loss, research, and patient results cannot hide the fact that this medication WORKS.

Just like Semaglutide,this medication has FDA approval for weight management as well as diabetes. The medication is currently sold under brand names Mounjaro for individuals with diabetes and Zepbound for weight loss.

Benefits of Tirzepatide:

Tirzepatide helps control blood sugar levels and suppress appetite. It acts by targeting GLP-1 and GIP receptor agonist dual action. These receptors regulate the release of hormones, which is part of appetite control and blood sugar regulation. When you inject Tirzepatide, the drug imitates the actions of these hormones. The medication sends your brain signals that reduce your appetite and cravings and increase your feelings of fullness after meals.

As a result, Tirzepatide helps you eat less and feel fuller with smaller portions of food. This enables you to achieve a calorie deficit and lose weight gradually over time.

Key Considerations for Designing a Semaglutide/Tirzepatide Diet Plan

When it comes to designing a diet plan, here are a few key considerations to keep in mind:

Focus on Creating a Balanced and Nutritious Diet –
For the best outcome, you should incorporate various foods from all food groups, including low GI whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. A balanced diet supplies your body with the required nutrients for optimal health and weight loss.

Ensure Portion Control- Control your portions using measuring cups or a food scale to measure your servings accurately. It is easy to underestimate portion sizes, leading to excess calorie intake. Being mindful of the size of your portion helps you to control your calorie intake and facilitate weight loss.

Stay Consistent and Committed-Consistency is vital if you want to achieve and maintain weight loss. Stick to your plan, even on weekends or special occasions, and prioritize healthy choices. It may be helpful to track your progress and keep a food diary to stay accountable and motivated.

Work Closely with Your Healthcare Provider- Your healthcare provider can closely monitor your progress, adjust your dosage when necessary, and provide support and guidance.


ā La Mode Luxury Aesthetics does not offer Ozempic® or Wegovy® or Rybelsus®, which are only available from the Novo Nordisk company. ā La Mode Luxury Aesthetics does not offer Mounjaro® or Zepbound® , which are only available from Lilly Pharmaceuticals.

Compounded Semaglutide and compounded Tirzepatide are patient-specific medications created in a state Board of Pharmacy or FDA-licensed compounding facility per a prescription from a licensed healthcare professional. Compounded drugs are required to exclusively use ingredients from FDA-licensed facilities, and test sterile compounds for potency, sterility, and purity. While compounded drugs are legal they do not undergo pre-market approval from the FDA as they are not made in large batches for the public, compounds are made based on specific orders from a medical professional. Because of that the dose, route of administration, safety, and efficacy may differ from commercially available, brand-name, drugs. ā La Mode Luxury Aesthetics exclusively works with licensed sterile compounding facilities in the United States.

The information provided here relies on peer-reviewed studies and medically-reviewed facts. We ensure that data, ideas, and figures cited are reliable, current, and accurate.

The information noted on this page is not intended to take over prescriptive or medical advice. Talk to your doctor before starting a new diet and exercise plan. Information presented is about our medically supervised weight management programs and is not an advertisement for a specific drug.


During your first visit, your doctor will review your medical history and health goals. Specific baseline lab work done within the last 2 months (or sooner if medication changes have been done since last lab work) is required. A lot of these labs might have already been done by your Primary physician. Please make sure to bring all your recent lab work done within 2 months and current medications at the time of appointment. Dr Agarwal will order any remaining labs for you before prescribing Semaglutide or Tirzepatide to determine if these medications are appropriate for you. These labs typically include an obesity lab panel, which measures CBC (blood count), CMP (metabolic function), lipids (cholesterol levels), A1C (diabetes), TSH (thyroid function), and insulin. Once your results are available, Dr Agarwal will review them with you and discuss treatment options. Medication will be prescribed only if it is medically recommended for you. There are certain conditions that exclude you from use of these medications. Please make sure to review these here. Other treatment options might be right for you in that case.

Initial consultation fee is $150 (non refundable) .
The cost of treatment varies significantly depending on the medication,duration, dosage and the treatment option you choose. These will be discussed in detail at the time of your initial consultation.

This is a cash-pay-only option and does not go through insurance. It will not count towards a pharmacy deductible. Patients can submit the cost for reimbursement through their HSA/FSA, but we do not currently accept these cards.

Yes. These medications are contraindicated if you have:

  • Personal or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma or in patients with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2
  • Known hypersensitivity to Semaglutide, Tirzepatide or any other medication of this class (GLP-1 agonist, GIP agonist) including medications and trade names like Ozempic, Wegovy, Rybelsus, Mounjaro, Zepbound, Exenatide (Byetta, Bydureon, BCise), Liraglutide (Victoza, Saxenda), Albiglutide (Tanzeum), Dulaglutide (Trulicity), Lixisenatide (Adlyxin, Lyxumia) etc THIS IS NOT A COMPREHENSIVE LIST.

Additionally, these should not be used if you:

  • Are below the age of 18 or above age of 75.
  • Pregnant or planning to be pregnant.
  • Have advanced or worsening retinopathy.
  • Are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes
  • Have episodes of hypoglycemia while on medication.
  • Have active pancreatitis.
  • Develop Gallstones while on medication.
  • Had bariatric surgery within last 6 months.
  • Have BMI below 30 kg/m2 or have BMI below 27 kg/m2 without weight associated condition.

Patients seeking treatment need to be at least 18 yrs old and no older than 75 yrs.

Not all compounding pharmacies create compounded semaglutide the same. Our medical director have worked closely with the compounding pharmacy to make sure that they meet quality and safety expectations. Our pharmacy partner(s) complies with all federal and state laws and FDA regulations. With our preferred compounding pharmacy, the compounded semaglutide is an exact molecular copy of the semaglutide base. The compounded semaglutide from our preferred pharmacy is not a salt form of semaglutide. The authenticity and potency of the compounded semaglutide are also verified by an outside lab. The FDA warns the public that products containing salt formulations have not been shown to be safe or effective.

Like all drugs, semaglutide and tirzepatide have some side effects.
The following are common side effects that may range from mild to moderate to severe:

  • Nausea,Vomiting ,Diarrhea ,Bloating,Gas,Stomach pain,Constipation ,Weight loss,Headache, fatigue, Rapid heart rate.
  • Although rare, more serious side effects may include:
  • Thyroid tumors, including cancer ,Pancreatitis ,Gallbladder disease
  • Low blood sugar levels, if you take insulin,Serious allergic reactions.
  • After starting semaglutide, it’s normal to experience mild to moderate side effects—especially during the first few weeks.
    If you experience any severe side effects such as serious allergic reactions, a severe rash, rapid heartbeat, or severe pain, seek emergency medical help immediately.

Results might take a few weeks to show, but once they begin, the weight will start to melt off more quickly. Results do vary for each individual. The benefits that develop most rapidly include improved sleep and higher energy levels. It's important to supplement this with a healthy, nutritious diet and exercise.
Clinical trials show that the majority of obese and overweight people on Semaglutide treatment for weight loss experience an average weight loss of 5.9%, or about 15 pounds in 3 months. Some may also have a weight loss of 10% or more, which equals about 30 pounds.

The standard recommended amount of dietary protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight (BW) per day. Semaglutide is meant to be taken as a long-term medication, so you can follow the daily guidelines for long-term consumption for building strength and routine exercise: 1.0 g/kg BW with minimal physical activity, 1.3 g/kg BW with moderate physical activity, and 1.6 g/kg BW with intense physical activity.

Vitamin B12 may support semaglutide by boosting metabolism, energy levels, and possibly mitigating the risk of B12 deficiency, which could aid in weight loss.

Stick to bland foods in the beginning, such as toast, rice, bananas, and applesauce.
Drink plenty of clear liquids, such as warm soups and broths. Eat smaller and more frequent meals. Avoid foods full of sugar or refined carbohydrates.You can also take over-the-counter nausea medication such as Dramamine or get a prescription for Zofran until your side effects subside.
Seek medical attention immediately if you’re so nauseous that you’re not able to keep down food or drink.

Before creating your diet plan, you need to understand the foods that best support your health and manage diabetes. Remember that dietary advice requires an individualized approach based on a person's age, metabolic profile, and food habits. Consult with a healthcare professional regarding what's most appropriate for your health and dietary needs. As a general rule, limiting calorie intake from 1200 Kcal-1500 Kcal per day is advisable to lose weight.